Instructions for the forwarders.
Out of the box, Stairwell provides a Default Policy that is applied per environment which instructs the forwarders on which file extensions to collect. If an object matches one of the following extensions via name or magic type, it will be included in the upload process. If an extension is not included in the policy, it will not be included in the upload. In order to upload additional extensions, the policy can be customized or we also make an API and UI available for adhoc uploads.
Extension | Name |
.app | macOS Application Bundle |
.appx | Windows Application Bundle |
.appxbundle | Windows Application Bundle |
.ascx | ASP.NET User Control File |
.ashx | ASP.NET Web Handler File |
.asmx | ASP.NET Web Service File |
.asp | Active Server Page |
.aspx | Active Server Page Extended Webpage |
.bat | DOS Batch File |
.cgi | Common Gateway Interface Script |
.cfm | ColdFusion Markup File |
.class | Java Class File |
.cmd | Windows Command File |
.com | DOS Command File |
.crx | Chromium Extension |
.dll | Dynamic Link Library |
.dmg | Apple Disk Image |
.drv | Device Driver |
.dylib | Mach-O Dynamic Library |
.ear | Java Enterprise Archive File |
.efi | Extensible Firmware Interface File |
.elf | Game File |
.exe | Windows Executable File |
.hta | HTML Application |
.iso | Disc Image File |
.jar | Java Archive |
.java | Java Source Code File |
.js | JavaScript File |
.jsp | Jakarta Server Page |
.jspx | XML Jakarta Server Page |
.lib | Generic Data Library |
.lnk | Windows Shortcut |
.msi | Windows Installer Package |
.nar | Nexon game archive |
.php | PHP Source Code File |
.pl | Perl Script |
.ps1 | Windows PowerShell Cmdlet File |
.py | Python Script |
.pyc | Python Compiled File |
.rb | Ruby Source Code |
.scr | Windows Screensaver |
.sct | Windows Scriptlet |
.sfx | Windows Self-extracting Archive |
.sh | Bash Shell Script |
.so | Shared Library |
.soap | |
.sys | Windows System File |
.vb | Visual Basic Project Item File |
.vba | |
.vbs | VBScript File |
.vbscript | Visual Basic Script |
.war | Java Web Archive |
.xpi | Cross-platform Installer Package |
.zsh |
Updated about 1 year ago