Release Notes (2023-05)
May release notes detailing the evolution of the Stairwell platform
May 23rd, 2023
Enhancement: New YARA tab in object details
Explainability is a critical part of security tooling, and with this improvement, you can now drill into the exact conditions and respective strings that matched a given YARA rule:
Enhancement: Improved search filtering
You can leverage the platform's new filter chips to easily remove search conditions:
May 18th, 2023
Enhancement: Upload file from URL
Stairwell makes it easy for you to ingest files via a number of mechanisms - to include manually uploading files via the web interface. We've expanded this capability to include pointing to a URL to grab a file:
May 11th, 2023
New feature: Capa scanning! 🎉
PE files are now processed with Mandiant's open-source Capa tool, which includes detecting various capabilities within executable files. You can view Capa results with the object details pane:
May 3rd, 2023
New event notification type: User opinions!
The new "My objects marked as malicious" event notification setting allows you to receive a notification (email or webhook) when there is activity detected on a file that has been either marked as "Malicious" by your team or the Stairwell Research group.